Thursday 15 February 2018

When Kacchi Meets Love

The smell of love still reeks in the air — that annoying time of year has come and gone, when couples all around flooded your newsfeed with their pictures of romance that gave you diabetes and made you wish you weren't sad and lonely.

If you're part of a couple, congrats to you, but if you're single, and are eternally grateful that it's over and now you can go the rest of the year without being reminded you'll die alone, chances are you decided to spend yesterday pretending romance meant watching a romantic comedy aka “romcom”.              
Romcoms aren't the greatest form of entertainment, but they are entertainment all the same. Location and culture do influence how a romcom would be (I mean, just look at a Bollywood romcom versus a Hollywood one – wildly different). But what would a Dhaka-based one look like? Let's find out.

Our Dhaka romcom needs a setup. Of course, we've already established it's taking place in Dhaka, but what is our protagonist and his/her love interest like?
Meet Rakib Khan, a 26 year old successful, startup founder who's the golden child of his family. He has earned his degrees from both the best public university in Dhaka and a great foreign university. He's on track to be one of the most successful people in his circle. Long story short, money, brains and great looks (what romcom would be complete without this), Rakib's got it all.
However, Rakib is unlucky in love and cannot hold a stable relationship for the life of him. He's messy and terrible at cooking. In true desi fashion, he was really hoping for the perfect wife who'd be a great cook, and so he resigns his fate to an arranged marriage set up by his beloved mother.
In comes the love interest. Rumi Chowdhury isn't the best looking girl (they just pretend she's homely; she's actually super cute and will get a #glowup down the movie) but she's very bright. She's a modern girl from a conservative family. She loves t-shirts and jeans, and preaches how girls should have more freedom instead of listening to the men around them.
Her mother is nice and supportive, if a bit annoyed with her rebellious attitude, but her father wants her to get married to someone who makes enough money so that she can live a comfortable life and finish her studies abroad with someone to look after her.
Rumi hates the idea of an arranged marriage, and would like to get married to someone of her choice. She only agrees to meeting a family friend's son just to prove to her father that a relationship doesn't work based on money alone.

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